(Dansk oversættelse nederst)
As part of his artistic investigation into the Rebild Bakker National Park, Scott William Raby will be hosting a performative walk titled “This Land is (Y)our Land” on June 30th, 2023 from 4:00-6:30pm.
This event is part of the artist’s ongoing artistic research to seek out new narratives and unfold lesser-known histories in relation to Rebild Bakker National Park and its connection to the United States.
His work has sought to highlight different socio-cultural, geo-political, and eco-economic contexts that might not be obvious, and recontextualize familiar spaces within the park in new ways. This will be done through ephemera as well as a performative walk of speech acts and vignettes that look more closely at cultural history, property relations, eco-tourism, agricultural industry, and power dynamics that emanate from the park from alternative perspectives. As such, other knowledge, understanding, and awareness will be unfolded and made more transparent throughout the project. Some examples include rethinking the park’s context in relation to ecological commons, revisiting the famous Solvognen happening of 1976, and reconsidering the roles and governance of national parks in both local and broader contexts.
Rebild Bakker has an ongoing connection between Denmark and the U.S. since the park was founded by a group of Danish Americans in 1912, who wrote into the park's bylaws that there needs to be an ongoing connection between the two countries on site. As such, the largest annual 4th of July celebrations outside of the U.S. takes place at the park. Born and raised in the U.S. with ancestry from Denmark, the artist will consider his own family history in relation to the different socio-cultural connections and contradictions present at the park from these perspectives. By doing so, a self-reflective lens will aim to start critical conversation on these relationships, to inspire ideation for new images and language on site.
In addition to the performative moment, the artist has produced a unique pamphlet about Rebild Bakker National Park, available for free at Fraktal and various locations near and within the National Park itself from June 30th to July 31st.
Event Details:
*Please meet at the entrance to Rebild Bakker at 4 pm - the walk will end with refreshments at Max Henius Hytten from 6 - 6:30pm
*Event is free of admission - no sign up is necessary
*Please dress appropriately with outdoor clothing
*The event is mostly in English
The project is generously supported by The Danish Arts Foundation
Scott William Raby (US/DK) is an American artist, art organizer, and researcher who lives and works in Aalborg. In his practice, he explores the terrain between art, architecture, infrastructure, and public spaces through critical and experimental interventions. Socio-economic, geopolitical, spatial, ecological, legal, and other cultural histories and processes are fundamental themes and material in his work. Through performance, installations, public interventions, and social practice, he often attempts to reconfigure power and institutional dynamics.
He previously studied as an artistic researcher in the PhD program in the Art Department at Goldsmiths, University of London and also received an MFA in Fine Arts from Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles. He has recently performed, exhibited, and presented his work across a number of institutions, including SKAL Contemporary (Skagen), Galerie Elisabeth and Klaus Thoman (Vienna), Art Hub Copenhagen, Argos (Brussels), iProject Space (Beijing), MuHKA (Antwerp), MAAT (Lisbon), and Goldsmiths (London), a.o.
Som en del af sin kunstneriske undersøgelse af og i Rebild Bakker, vil Scott William Raby være vært ved en performativ vandring kaldet “This Land is (Y)our Land” den 30. Juli kl. 16.00 - 18.30. Vandringen er en del af kunstnerens research, som sigter mod at udpege nye fortællinger og udfolde mindre kendte historier i relation til Rebild Bakker.
Raby søger, gennem sin kunstneriske praksis, at belyse forskellige socio-kulturelle, geo-politiske og øko-økonomiske strukturer, som ikke er umiddelbart åbenlyse, og at rekontekstualisere velkendte steder i parken på nye måder. Dette gør han ved at nærstudere kulturhistorien, ejendomsforhold, natur-turisme, landbrug og de magtforhold, der gør sig gældende i Rebild Bakker, fra nye perspektiver. Således vil Raby, via sit projekt, udfolde ny viden, forståelse og erkendelser og gøre disse mere gennemsigtige og tilgængelige for publikum.
Rebild Bakker Nationalpark har en unik og tæt forbindelse til USA, da parken er grundlagt af en gruppe dansk-amerikanere i 1912. Som efterkommer af danske udvandrere, født og opvokset i Midtvesten i USA, vil kunstneren endvidere inddrage sin egen familiehistorie i relation til de forskellige socio-kulturelle forbindelser og paradokser som er til stede i parken, som en “amerikaner der nu bor i Danmark”.
Udover den performative vandring, har kunstneren produceret en pamflet om Rebild Bakker Nationalpark, som vil være tilgængelig i Fraktal og på udvalgte steder i Rebild og Skørping.
Vi mødes ved indgangen til Rebild Bakker kl 16 og slutter af med forfriskninger i Max Henius-Hytten ca 18 - 18.30
Det er gratis at deltage, man møder bare op
Arrangementet foregår primært på engelsk
Projektet er støttet af Statens Kunstfond
Scott William Raby (US/DK) er en amerikansk kunstner, kunstorganisator og researcher, som bor og arbejder i Aalborg. I sin kunstneriske praksis udforsker han terrænet mellem kunst, arkitektur, infrastruktur og offentlige rum, gennem kritiske og eksperimentelle interventioner. Socio-økonomiske, geo-politiske, spatiale, økologiske, juridiske og andre kulturelle fænomener og processer er gennemgående temaer i hans praksis. Gennem performance, installationer og interventioner i det offentlige rum, sigter han ofte mod at rekonfigurere magtstrukturer og institutionelle dynamikker.
Han har været tilknyttet PhD programmet ved Goldsmiths, University of London og har desuden en MFA i Fine Arts fra Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles. Han har performet og udstillet hos bl. A SKAL Contemporary (Skagen), Galerie Elisabeth and Klaus Thoman (Wien), Art Hub Copenhagen, Argos (Bruxelles), iProject Space (Beijing), MuHKA (Antwerpen), MAAT (Lissabon) og Goldsmiths (London).
Projektet er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.